Dakota County partnered with the City of Eagan and Independent School District 196 to address user needs along Diffley Road from Lexington Avenue to Braddock Trail, including Northview Elementary, Dakota Hills Middle School and Eagan High School sites and nearby neighborhood connections. The study developed short- and long-term improvements to address challenges for this area. The study was conducted fall 2019 through June 2020.
Key study objectives
- Increase pedestrian safety and connections
- Increase awareness of the school area
- Provide safe facilities
- Lower vehicle speeds
- Reduce pedestrian and vehicle conflict points
- Reduce congestion and improve circulation
Recommended concept
The recommended concept for the Diffley Road (County Road 30) School Area Improvements consisted of four main elements:
- Braddock Trail and school entrance intersection modifications
- School parking lot drop-off and circulation modifications
- A new access roadway from the south parking lot to Diffley Road (County Road 30) at Daniel Drive
- Diffley Road (County Road 30) improvements including:
- Lane reduction to a two-lane divided section from east of Lexington Avenue to about 2,000 feet east of Braddock Trail
- New roundabouts along Diffley Road at Daniel Drive and Braddock Trail
- Elimination of the eastbound left turn lane into Northview Elementary School's westerly driveway and addition of a pedestrian median refuge adjacent to this driveway
- Corridor lighting
- Enhanced crosswalk at Diffley Marketplace
The county, city, and school board entered into a joint powers agreement for design of the recommended concept in June-July 2020.
Diffley Road School Area Improvements Final Study Report