Extending County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 32 east of Rich Valley Boulevard to TH 52 has been noted by many governmental agencies in previous planning documents. One of the primary goals of this extension is to provide better east-west continuity across Dakota County. This would provide more options for east-west flow and reduce pressure on other critical east-west routes such as CSAH 42.
The CSAH 32 Extension Study was initiated to provide a more detailed investigation of traffic and planning issues, to identify potential alternatives and impacts, and to seek public and agency input on potential alternatives to extend CSAH 32.
CSAH 32 Extension Study Figure 1 - Study Area Figure 2 - Land Use Existing and Future Traffic/Existing Access Figure 3A - Traffic Turning Movement Counts Figure 4 - Alternative 1A Figure 5 - Alternative 1BFigure 6 - Alternative 2A Figure 7 - Alternative 2B Figure 8 - Alternative 3A Figure 9 - Alternative 3BFigure 11 - Alternative 4 Figure 12 - Roadway Spacing Figure 13 - Preferred Alternative Table 1 - Alternatives Evaluation Matrix
Last updated: 3/6/2019 4:24 PM